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And finally – here is an AMAZING OFFER:
(On this page only!)
Do you want the ultimate companion eBook on Tardigrade Science Projects?
(You’ll never see this offer anywhere else!)
This is only eBook 1 Read more below!

- DID YOU KNOW you don’t have to buy specimens because tardigrades are in your back yard?
- DID YOU KNOW that compared to other micro-organisms, tardigrades are the easiest to photograph?
- DID YOU KNOW that you can make cute miniature tardigrades out of clay in three simple steps?
For students wishing to do a science fair project on tardigrades, the above book is essential.
With over 100 pictures and detailed explanations, this book is written in a style intended to assist students and teachers in a variety of possible science projects with tardigrades.
There are many science hobbyists at all levels who need an additional resource on this topic. Besides information specific to tardigrades, the book provides a basic primer on collecting and viewing specimens of many types under the microscope.
Beginning with some basic information about tardigrades, the book explains the where’s and how’s of finding these fascinating creatures. Covered are the essential techniques of sample collection, specimen and slide preparation, and the basics of microorganism viewing under a microscope.
How to set up a science fair project is explained in a full chapter, including how to build science fair models of tardigrade eggs and tardigrades with step by step pictures.
Also included is bonus section on how to photograph tardigrades through the microscope.
And for anyone wishing to embark on a serious voyage of scientific discovery, this book includes a blueprint showing how to set up a scientific study and write a scientific paper.
TODAY Only…You’ll Get
3 MORE WAYS TO Explore Microscopy
These eBooks Are Also Part of the BUNDLE

Through a Microscope
Truly a classic in microscopy because it was written in Boston when the household water supply came from the Cochituate Aqueduct. An experiment in the book has one examine tap water. Resulting specimens include water fleas, cyclops, rotifers, vorticella, and more, all amply illustrated. Numerous diatoms, also found in the Cochituate water are also illustrated. This book serves as a historical benchmark because the decline in cholera and typhoid due to advances in water treatment is one of the greatest public health achievements of the 20th century.

Marvels of Pond Life
There are 12 Chapters – one for each of the months of the year, serving as the author’s personal diary of sorts, and which also could be used as a program of study. Written by Henry Slack, Secretary to the Royal Microscopial Society, some of the excellent illustrations are by famous microscopist the Hon. Mrs. Mary Ward, although she is not credited in the text. In the back section of the book, however, the publisher does recommend her books, which are now collector’s items due to the quality of the illustrations.

The Romance of the Microscope
The first two chapters give a wonderful in depth history of the microscope–its development and biographical accounts of the early microscopists. Chapters three and four are about light and the compound microscope. And from there throughout the next dozen chapters the author explores animal and plant life as well as various environments. The remaining few chapters explain equipment, and even how optical glass is made and used in microscopes. With 22 chapters, the plates are a combination of drawings and black & white photos.
Grab This ESSENTIAL eBook
Bundle With All The Books Above In This One Time Offer
For Only $9.95
Six Free Bonuses Included!
Mind if I over-deliver? In addition to the above extremely discounted eBook bundle, I’ll also throw in SIX really cool extras! All included for FREE.
What you’ll get:

BONUS 1 – Printable Parent’s Homeschool Planner ($22.95) AND
BONUS 2 – Printable Student’s Planner WITH Tardigrade Specimen Collection Pages ($22.95)

BONUS 3 – Petri Dish Label Template Printables ($5.95)

BONUS 4 – Science Notebook Tab Template Printables (5.95)

BONUS 5 – Six student-inspiring podcasts ($30)

BONUS 6 – Access to the GLOBO TV Brazil video interview with Mike Shaw the Space Bear hunter including special English translation ($150) and behind the scenes video showing the process of making the video

Grab this incredible deal for
only $9.95